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About me

I am just your everyday basic chick. I look like an adult but I'm still trying to figure it all out.


Where to even start? Well, I went to school for fashion merchandising which was great seeing how I haven't even worked in the industry since (retail does not count). I like quotes, which is ironic because I don't read books. Why read books when I have a TV? I love nachos and tacos (withe extra sour cream) and I am pretty sure I could survive on those alone. I hate working out. On my days off I live in my leggings, but I do not wear them as pants. I just love to be comfy. However, fun fact: Considering how basic I am, I don't actually own Uggs. I hate them. 

So, naturally I have started a blog to share my basicness with the world.



The Basic Britt

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