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Being Basic

What's so wrong with being basic? Here's a list of "basic" things we all love, especially me.

1. Starbucks. You know it wasn't the basic chicks who made Starbucks the booming company it is today. Most of us drink coffee in the morning on our way to work, and Starbucks is on every corner.

The Basic Britt

2. Pizza. Don't even try to pretend you don't order a pizza every once in a while. Basic chicks love pizza, and so do you. My fave is the Chicken Taco pizza from Panago.

3. Leggings/Sweats. Maybe not out in public constantly (unless you dress them up with boots and a long top) but we all love them. Especially on lazy days like Sunday trips to the grocery store.

4. Social Media. Whether you use it for work or play, you use it. You probably use it everyday. Typical basic chicks like to post often and it's usually their selfies or their Starbucks coffee, maybe a mirror selfie at the gym. Maybe you don't do that yourself, but I bet you've at least liked a few of them!

5. Cocktails. Yeah, we drink them and so do you. We like the trendy ones with the fun names, we like the typical ones that you drink too. We like wine and we like high balls as well. No beer though.

6. The Spa. We all love to be pampered once in a while. Massages, facials, mani/pedis, mud baths (which I've never tried). It's a "basic" thing to do but it's also hygienic and relieves stress. Who doesn't need that from time to time?

7. Rom Coms. They are so good! Okay, we know some guys dislike them, but there are classics that are not just for basic chicks. Some of them are actually great movies, like "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" and "Crazy, Stupid Love". I can't even.

8. Abreviations. They are everywhere! We didn't start this trend we only embraced it. I agree, it's pretty much only basic chicks that say 'adorbs' but you can't categorize it that much. I abbreviate all the time.


The Basic Britt

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