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Going Dutch on the First Date?

Is it ever okay to split the bill, or "go dutch" on a first date?

Imagine, a guy asking a girl to dinner. Personally, why not say yes... as Phoebe from Friends put it "girl's gotta eat." For that logic to work though, "boy's gotta pay." In my opinion, if the guy asks the girl, he should pay especially on a first date. If the girl asks the guy, she can offer to pay because it was her idea, that's fine, or "go dutch" then.

If you ask me out on a first date, and you seriously want to date me, do not ask me to split the bill. Typically, a guy should want to impress this girl he is interested in and splitting the bill is not going to do that. Especially when you're ordering that bottle of wine after bottle of wine and I am ordering a $12 salad. Like, am I just here to make your bill cheaper? Or do you actually want to continue this onto a 2nd date? What if I can't afford to split these bottles of wine? I don't have my parents credit card for "emergencies" such as this. If you can't afford the dinner you asked me out to, don't ask me for dinner. Ask me for a coffee, or a froyo date. That's fine! Who doesn't love froyo? Dating does not have to be expensive.

Myth: Girls care about the cost of the date.

Truth: We do not care about the cost of the date. Whether it's a fancy dinner with expensive wine, a few drinks at a cute lounge, or as mentioned, a froyo date, we are happy. The amount of money is not what impresses us, it's how we are treated.

I've been on a few first dates and every time I offer to at least split the dinner bill (while trying to hide my anxiety about it). I would never want to be presumptuous that my date is going to pay. I know how that comes off. I mean, I hope he does, because I live in my overdraft, but I don't want to give that impression either.

It's always nice for the girl to offer to split the bill (if he didn't go overboard on $200 bottles of wine). I'm not a total jerk. However, the fact of the matter remains if this guy wants a 2nd date he should pick up the tab. When you ask a girl out, you should be expecting to pay for the date. If she offers to pay half, do not take her up on it. On the 2nd or 3rd date you could let her pay, or go dutch if she offers.

What do you think?


The Basic Britt

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