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Sick? Basic Chicken Soup

It's that time of year again where it seems impossible to dodge the common cold or flu. Check out this amazing slow cooker recipe that will warm you up from winter sicknesses.

What you need:

2 Chicken breasts

2 Large chopped carrots

3 Celery stocks

5 Cups of chicken broth/bouillon

1 Tbs Fresh grated ginger

3 Tbs Olive oil

1 Bay leaf

1 Tsp Thyme

1 Tbs Minced garlic

1 Tsp of Sea salt (Pink Himalayan Sea Salt is best)

1/2 Tsp Black pepper

2 Tbs Parsley

1 Cup of Egg noodles

1 Cup Water

Throw everything into the slow cooker except the noodles (sometimes they disintegrate so it's best to boil them separately, and add at the end). Cook on low for 6 hours. After about 5 hours, pull the chicken apart using two forks. Voila - The best sick day meal, and yes I know, it's so basic.


The Basic Britt

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