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The Four Seasons of a Basic Chick

No basic chick could live without the four seasons. Each season means a different drink at Starbucks, different wardrobe staples and different activities to post on social media.

Here are the basic chick's four seasons.


Fall: This one is the most stereotypical basic season.

Drink of choice: Pumpkin Spice Latte

Clothing staple: Uggs

Fall is when the PSL comes back at Starbucks. Fall is when we can finally pull out our cute scarves, and of course the Uggs. Fall is when we can take that candid photo of leaves falling all around us and post it everywhere. The season where we can really be ourselves, and we can wear our favourite outfits everyday (Uggs, leggings, cozy socks, wool coat and PSL in hand).

Ice skating

Winter. We love winter. Mostly for the ice skating.

Drink of choice: Peppermint Mocha

Clothing staple: Matching scarves and toques

We will spend a considerable amount of effort layering up (while still looking cute) adding matching scarves and toques to go skating for 5 minutes to snap a few cute pics for Instagram. We also love mini vacations to the mountain. Hello, sitting in a hot tub outside in the snow is like so fun. The main reason we love winter, the holidays of course! So many parties and Christmas markets. Shopping for gifts in the shopping districts outside with a Starbucks to keep warm (in the winter we like the peppermint mocha, or the eggnog latte). Everything is decorated with lights, it's just so cute!


Spring. Spring is our transition from cute and cozy, to light and bright.

Drink of choice: Iced Latte, any flavour

Clothing staple: Converse shoes

We can't wait for it to warm up so we can pull out our summer dresses, sometimes we pull them out a little premature in this season. Depending on where you live, spring can be a total tease. Canada is a great example of this. We are definitely complainers when it rains in the spring. It will not stop us from the odd iced latte or mocha at Starbucks though. We love those! We should, but probably aren't ready to put away the Uggs yet, we're pulling out our Toms or Converse shoes to replace them slowly. We are going for picnics on the sunny days. We can't wait for summer!

Friends at the beach

Summer. Yasss we love summer.

Drink of choice: Iced Passion Tea Lemonade

Clothing staple: Summer dress

Summer means beaches, pools, bikinis, iced lattes, boating, patio drinks and cute summer dresses. We can officially wear the floral summer dress we've had locked away at the back of the closet. The weekends will be full of friends going for brunch, hitting the beach, and getting a bit of a natural tan for once. On our way, we'll grab a refreshing passion tea lemonade from you know where. It's warm enough we don't have to cover up with a jacket. We can finally snap some candid beach pics and everyone is in a great mood. The sun sets late which is perfect for an extended happy hour on the patio after work.

What's your favourite season?


The Basic Britt

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