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You Basic Bro?

We've all gotten familiar with the basic chicks, but what about the guys? Yes, there is such thing as a basic bro. Here's how to spot one.

1. You rock the undercut. This hair cut usually looks great, but they've become pretty standard. What makes it worse, some guys take forever to style it themselves. Do not let them get ready at your place before a night out.


2. You post more than one selfie per month. Maybe it's not fair that it's more socially acceptable for girls to take more selfies. For guys though, one selfie per month is acceptable to post. More than that, you basic bro.

3. You do Yoga. Certain cities more than others, but any exercise class will do. Hey, it's something you can do together and maybe grab a froyo after.

4. You Like Frozen Yogurt. K, that's not fair who doesn't? But ya, it's basic. Especially the Nutella flavour. Sorry!

5. Sunday's are a write off. Football is great, but every Sunday during the season, all day, especially playoffs. Ugh. Pick a team, one team. You gotta watch all of them?

6. Spaghetti is the only meal you can cook. It's pretty basic, and it's his favourite. Missing from this photo is all the ground beef/meat balls he puts in it.

7. Your favourite movies are: Step-Brothers, Top Gun, Die Hard and Dumb and Dumber. They quote them ALL the time too. NOT saying they aren't great movies.

8. You own a plaid shirt, or 4. This works for both sexes. Plaid is basic no matter who's wearing it.

Robbie Snapchat

9. You use Snapchat filters. Any of them. Double points for posting them on other social media sites.

10. You lose it when "Pony" comes on at the club. Yeah...

11. Shots of Jameson or Jack are inevitable. Boys night or any night out at the bar, this is the go-to. Super manly.

12. You have tattoos like this. Doesn't mean they're not hot. Sometimes.

13. Your sunglasses cost more than your outfit. Why? Why do you have to wear $12 H&M shirts with $300 sunglasses? So basic.

14. Drinking games, especially "flip cup" are your fave. Yes, it is fun. We can't always play it at public restaurants and bars. We have though.

15. You point at the camera. Yeah just like that.

16. You've tried a pumpkin spice latte at least once. Come on, you never know if you hate it 'til you try it!

Anything I missed? Comment below.


The Basic Britt

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