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Avocados 5 Ways

Basic chicks love avocados.

1. Guacamole. Most of us have to check our banking app before saying yes to a side of this at a restaurant, but why not make a batch at home?

Serving for one:

1 Avocado

1 Garlic clove

1/2 Tomato

1/2 Tsp Pink sea salt

Mash the avocado, mix in garlic, diced tomato and salt and voila.


2. Avocado Toast. A very healthy way to start your day.

Serving for one:


1 Avocado

1 Boiled egg

Feta cheese



Slice the avocado and place onto buttered toast with a sliced boiled egg. Top with salsa and feta. Yum!

3. Baked Egg and Avocado. This one's new to me, I had never baked an avocado before but it's delicious.

Serving for one:

1 Avocado sliced in half

2 eggs

1/2 Tsp pink sea salt

1/2 Tsp pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Scoop out a bit of the centre of the avocado so the raw egg fits in perfectly, and place snugly in a baking dish so they do not tip over. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and enjoy!

4. Avocado chicken burgers. Literally just replacing the bun with avocados! Genius. Here is my adaptation below.

Serving for one:

1 Avocado

1 small chicken breast

Feta cheese

1 Tomato slice

Cook chicken breast fully and season with salt. Cut the avocado in half, remove peel, and stack ingredients in between. Healthy and delicious!

***Image is not exact recipe

5. Avocado black bean salad. Salads are okay once in a while.

Serving for one:

1 Avocado

1 Can of black beans

1 Tomato

1 Beet

1 Carrot

Feta cheese

1 Tbs Olive oil (or salad dressing of your choice, a vinaigrette is always good)

Dice the avocado and the tomato and put in medium sized bowl. Rinse the black beans in a colander and add. Grate the carrot and the beet with a cheese grater and place on top of the ingredients in the bowl. Top with as much feta as you like.

Let me know what you think!


The Basic Britt

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