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10 Reasons to Date a Basic Chick

Dating a basic chick is better than you think. Here's why.

1. We're not picky. Well, when it comes to the guy we might be, but not when it comes to the type of date. We don't need the same dinner date every time. Dinner is great, but it involves hardly a thought. Plan an activity and we'll end up having way more fun than sitting at dinner trying to come up with conversation topics. It'll also provide more photo ops for Instagram, for example going hiking, to a pumpkin patch, or skating depending on the season.

Elite Daily - Pumpkin Patch

2. We don't have to dress up all the time. You wanna get up and go in the morning? Perfect, we can throw our hair in a messy bun, pull on our leggings and over-sized plaid button up and we're good to go.

Pinterest - Plaid and leggings

3. We will probably eat the same food. Pizza? Yesss. Nachos? Double Yesss! While some of us are health conscious, we can't say no to these foods. It's always more enjoyable when your eat them together.


4. We will have time for you, or we will make time. Whether we work full time, or part time, we will always have time for you. Most basic chicks aren't running huge companies that demand all our time... yet. Doesn't mean we never will, but we will recognize our priorities and you would be one of them. Even if it's a quick lunch just to see you that day!

5. We don't care about expensive gifts. We're basic! Sure, we love designer accessories but we are happy with our Marc by Marc Jacobs bag we already own. We do not need the latest and greatest, and we are not typically high maintenance. Well, we can be.

6. We love going to sporting events. We can wear our cute low cut team T-shirts, and other paraphernalia, just to post pictures on Instagram so of course we love going! Some of us truly love the sport as well especially hockey and football. The Yankees hat we all have are just because they're cute, we don't love baseball.

7. We will cook for you because we can. Basic chicks like to prove they can cook. The assumptions are wrong, we love food so we need to know how to make it. Especially pasta, nachos, full on steak and potatoes. I never said we were gourmet chefs.

Steak dinner

8. We will be great with kids. Whether you have kids or you want them in the future, we will be great with them. Let's just say we can relate well to them and probably like the same things. Disney movies, funny YouTube videos, candy etc.

Disney's Moana

9. We will never surprise you with becoming a vegan. Lol, come on, us? No way, couldn't survive.

10. You can watch cheesy shows and blame us. Your friends would likely rip you apart for watching The Bachelor, but you can say that we make you watch it with us, you do it for us. Secretly you love it, we all know that. How could you not?

The Bachelor

See? It's great to date a basic chick!


The Basic Britt

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