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Best Basic Outfits For Spring

There are some outfits that are so basic, but look so good it doesn't matter.

1. The ball cap, with a white T and jeans. For men and women this look is extremely basic, and extremely hot. Particularly that Yankees hat though.

2. The plaid as a dress. Mix it up, when you can't wear your 'basic chick' plaid button up around your waist more than a few days a week, wear a dress!

3. Extreme ripped jeans. Put the leggings away, let your legs breathe. Loose ripped jeans with a tight T, or sweater, and cute Converse or Toms. A+.

4. Leather leggings. Okay fine, some leggings are okay in the spring. Pair them with Converse, or heels depending on the occasion.

5. Floral printed jacket. Don't make this tacky. Floral jackets go great with monochrome outfits. Wear with all black, all white, or a neutral colour that matches the floral print.

It's possible to be basic, and cute at the same time, see?


The Basic Britt

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