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12 Basic Tips for Getting Over a Breakup

Everyone is different, but these tips will help you break out of your breakup slump (even if your not in a slump).

1. Reconnect. Reach out to friends you haven't seen for a while, especially friends of the opposite sex (not for sex). Go out and socialize, drink and dance. Often.

2. Find a distraction. Join Tinder, or Bumble and start chatting. If you don't feel like getting back out there, that's fine. Just talking to someone new (and super hot) will get your mind off the one who dumped you and you'll be surprised how many people are interested. A lot of the conversations can be extremely entertaining as well.

Pro tip: Do this with a bottle of wine.

3. Dye your hair. New hair, new beginnings. A fresh new look will help you start new and it'll signify a new chapter in your life.

4. Write about it. Even if you're not a good writer, it helps to get it out on paper, or on the notes app in your phone. It could even bring clarity to how you feel if you're not really sure. If you're someone who disconnects from your feelings it's a good way to reconnect. That is, if you even want to.

5. Go on vacation. Or let a new guy take you on one. Seriously.

6. Move in with a bestie. If timing works out, living together can be a perfect replacement for you ex, and probably less stressful and more fun. Especially if you both love wine and swiping through tinder together.

7. Remove your ex from social media. At least temporarily. There's a strong chance at least one of you doesn't want to see what the other is up to, even if they think they do.

8. Watch trashy reality TV. It'll just make you feel better about your life regardless.

9. Do not seek revenge. Just do you. He'll find out what your're up to regardless but make sure you make your decisions for the right reasons.

10. Don't dwell on things you did wrong. Everyone makes mistakes in relationships. It's not your fault it didn't work. Unless you did something really stupid.

11. Don't go psycho. The worst thing you can do is psycho dial them and obsess over them, and let them know you are. Leave them alone.

12. Don't cry. This one is isn't for everyone, however, most boys aren't worth your tears.


The Basic Britt

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